Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why so much Drama of The Past?

Lately I've been reading the stories in the Big Book and I've pondered the reasons we have a tendency to dwell so much on the dysfunction of our lives in the early parts of our story.

Here are some reasons which we may do consciously or unconsciously:

Because we need to prove that we are real alcoholics
Beause we like drunk-a-logues
Because we think we will scare people into not drinking
Because we only have the disease to share not any recovery
To show how deep our denial ran
To show the circumstances that caused our drinking
To show we had a spiritual malady before we drank

I believe the numbers 5 & 7 are good reasons and may provide the guidelines to compose my story.


This is a blog about one man's experiences in 12 step recovery and the spiritual life. ~