Saturday, September 15, 2007

Why God?

Why do I need God/spirituality/religion?

For pathological reasons, for my Well-ness, for my well-being. For my mental health, for my spiritual health, for my soul.

Like good health care, like good nutrition, like good environment:

  • Restoration: My mental health gets restored when I am unmanageable; like medical treatment or medicine.
  • Regeneration: My spirit is fed daily and sustained. I must replenish that which has degenerated, like daily nourishment, like regular meals, like good nutrition.
  • Inspiration: spirit flowing in and through and out, like breathing good air or drinking plenty of liquids or good exercise and growth. Like the energy that comes from well-ness.

God is spiritual being that created me to be connected in spirit with him and others.
I am a spiritual being that has a mind, soul, and spirit that require sustanence. I survive, grow and reproduce from that sustanence.
There is a great spiritual connection that is the source of that sustenance, it is that connection to God and to others.


This is a blog about one man's experiences in 12 step recovery and the spiritual life. ~